

Have you spent your current lifetime making excuses for not
Stepping up to your soul's True Potential?
Yet, neither the moment of your birth, nor any of your life circumstances are random.
They are part of a greater plan - your Unique Evolutionary Trajectory,
and having regular consultations with me will help you
Discover, Empower and Actualize your authentic soul intention for this lifetime.

Hi, I'm Grace
I understand what it feels like to know you have a higher calling and an important message to share with the rest of the world. But I also appreciate how difficult it is to lack the confidence and support necessary for discovering, integrating and actualizing your authentic purpose. How scary and lonely it can be to transition into something entirely new and deal with the external resistance your choices can trigger.
I have been there myself, more than once.
Therefore, I have spent the last decade gathering all the necessary tools to develop
my own unique multidisciplinary approach to Coaching & Healing, so people like you can feel
supported and safely guided through their process of
Awakening, Transformation & Actualization.
Today, I have the pleasure to inspire others to create & live a meaningful life, encourage them to meet their own needs & desires, and empower them to share their wisdom & voice authentically.
I promise you that living your life intentionally is worth your effort, investment and time.
I assure you that no matter what you have done in your life until now, no matter what you have been through, no matter what other people have convinced you to believe,
you deserve to make a difference in the world.
And I also believe you deserve to know how to.
So, if this sounds like you, I would be pleased to guide your path toward Self-Actualization.

The essence of our work together will focus on:
Discovering & Empowering your True Authentic Self
Realizing Your Full Potential & Actualizing your Unique Life Purpose
Outlining your Individual Evolutionary Trajectory
Creating an Intentional & Enjoyable Lifestyle
Manifesting Meaningful & Fulfilling relationships
Finding Communities that Acknowledge, Accept and Support you
Developing Healthy Boundaries with friends, family, clients, co-workers and partners
Letting go of Outdated Patterns & Identities
Overcoming any Fears & Beliefs that limit your Self-Expression & Self-Realization
Gaining the Confidence to become Financially Independent by starting your own Conscious Business

Astrology Packages

3 Sessions
(max. within 3 months)

6 Sessions
Diving Deeper
(max. within 6 months)
12 Sessions
Rising Higher
(max. within 12 months)